Custa apenas 6,90€ e está disponível para pele normal a seca e para pele mista a oleosa. Podem encontrar na loja online do Boticário ou numa loja física.
For this week i´m gonna show you as the Bargain of the Week a moisturizer by Boticário from Cuide-se Bem line. As you should know the cold weather arrived (at least in Portugal) and our skin needs to be protected, so it is essential that you use a good moisturizer. I never tried this one in particular (if you wanna check my facial routine check this post), but Boticário products never disappointed me and this moisturizer has a really nice price, so i think that is a nice try!
It costs only 6,90€ and it is available for normal to dry skin and for combination to oily skin, you can find it on Boticário online store or in any local store.
eu uso o creme de noite dessa gama e gosto muito dele.